Saturday, December 22, 2007

Over the river and through the woods...

To Grandmother's house we go. If our kids only knew how lucky they are this year! We're celebrating Christmas on the 23rd before church...the kids are only 3 and 1.5...they'll never know the difference. Then we're loading them up in the car and driving to Utah on Christmas Eve at 4:00 am. We're hoping to make it to Murray in time for all the classic Christmas Eve festivities. Then we'll celebrate Christmas again on the 25th. Merry Christmas and we'll see you next year!


Michelle said...

Wooo Hooo!!! Posts!!!!
I love the "foot" picture! Who tood that for you????

Chris and Christy said...

Goodness, LOVE your banner!

brittany doll said...

Hope you had a great Holiday in Utah! I want to know how the New Year's Eve party went. I wished we could have gone.

Emilee said...

Oh my goodness girl! I can't believe that I had to find your blog through Broooke's!! What a darling picture of all of your feet! I'm glad you've going the blogging world- I'll add you to mine & check often!

Julie said...

Hey Alisha...I found your blog through Em's. That's what I love about the blogging world, finding long lost friends. Your boys are so cute. I'll check back often to see how you guys are doing! Oh and thanks for the Christmas was so cute!