Elevation started at around 2,000 feet. The first mile, of 3, was nothing more than this easy to moderate incline. You can see the destination here. It's the peak on top of the mountain with the stripe running across the middle of it. The peak is about 4,600 feet.
The trail starts getting a little steeper here, but haven't yet reached the hard part.
Here is another view. You can see a portion of slick rock in the middle of this picture.

Here is a closer view of the slickrock
Here is a closer view of the slickrock
At the top of the slickrock you make your first "crest" only to see this. The trail goes right up the middle of this draw...a lot of "stairs" and climbing.
Here's my hiking partner, Wendell, attempting the last 15 foot climb. It looks as bad as it is...but once at the top, you're done
The reward shot. You can see the easy part of the trail along the left side of my arm.